Cruising Tips

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ft Lauderdale - Provisioning (again - he's a growning boy)

Finn saw this guy hanging on, Ann and I walked right by
Today was fun. We started it of with a good morning walk. Then did are normal morning stuff. Schoolwork was easy. After math, we went out to get provisions. It took a little while to get it all but we pulled through. We are having chicken rice and beans for tonight’s dinner. (Editor's Note: We did not! Nana bought a rotisserie chicken).  We also took a drive to go see downtown Lauderdale. It’s just the place I want to live when I grow up. Full of people and cars and traffic. It’s perfect. Tonight’s Nana's night off so we got already cooked chicken bon appetit. That’s all for tonight.     

If you intend docking at Las Olas, then this dock map might be useful when you're assigned a slip number
Finn is doing well on his homework. His school at home had the day off due to snow but not Finn here! Nana and Finn spend the mornings doing his schoolwork. They keep records of his tests and work for reentry into school upon his return In February.

We saw some good color in the sunset tonight.
The marina had divers out all day putting in the new moorings. We counted seven and there were still two unused at 7:00 pm today. There are almost a dozen boats in the anchorage just north of the bridge so there's a demand for space without having to dock.

High winds are predicted for Thursday so we'll stay put  but they are supposed to subside on Friday. If the winds obey the forecasts, then we'll move down to Miami and await a weather window to going down the Keys. With the Marine Stadium anchorage being unavailable due to the Miami Boat Show, we'll try the anchorage on the south side of Virginia Key given the predicted north winds.

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