Cruising Tips

Monday, December 18, 2017

We're freezing up here! I put a hat on the stork in front and he has a blanket too. He still looks cold. 
I've added more iPad navigation programs and started the analysis. My list of features has greatly expanded. Some have amazing capabilities although I find it hard to visualize a situation where I would use all of them. In one, you point your camera at the horizon and the app filled in labels for everything in view such as buoys and ships, right on top of the image you see of the horizon on the iPhone or iPad. I'll plow through the list below but the end date for analysis may be a week away with such a big list. It ought to be interesting at least. Here's the revised list:
They all fit on the iPad!

Garmin Active Captain
Navionics USA HD
Navimatics Charts and Tides
Aqua Map Americas
Max Sea TN
Pro Charts
SeaNav US
Great Depths

I hate to say this, but if there are others I ought to add to the list, please let me know now. By the way, I bought them all, no gifts.


  1. Not to make you feel bad, but here is web cam link for Ft. Lauderdale beach. The weather here has been glorious.

  2. Fred, smarty... We'll be back down the first week of January.
