Cruising Tips

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Titusville - Wood Storks

The wood storks gather between the dog park and the marina
It was another day of preparation for Fleetwing. Some people say, "Oh, you spend 9 months on vacation!"  Well, not really. Your boat is your home and you have to do all the things you would be doing at home for the upkeep of your "house." On top of the usual stuff, you have to keep three engines running (main diesel, outboard, and genset) as well as all associated systems. I also don't remember having to wash down the house either. Meanwhile, you're still taking care of your house up north. The furnace was fixed. They replaced several components, not sure just what but it's now up and running in time for the cold front coming down from Canada.

They are not a pretty bird but they are large
On our walks today we saw our first wood storks since arriving in Titusville. They are very large birds that breed in southern Florida but their main territory is in South America. I'm not sure what they are eating but they seem to graze in the lot by the dog park. Like crows and Canadian Geese, there's always one lookout bird surveying the area.

One eye is always on the surroundings
We passed them by and they didn't seem disturbed by our close presence. Hoolie got his usual run and I got my exercise by chasing the balls he didn't bring back. Who ever heard of a retriever not retrieving? Hoolie knows nothing of bringing balls back, he just drops them when he turns to come back - which is the farther point from where I first threw the ball!

We'll have a car for the weekend which we'll use to just explore the area. We used to get here by the first of the month and not leave until close to Thanksgiving but that holiday is early this year and we got here late due to Jose and Irma. That leaves little time for our traditional exploring. However, the boat is washed, the lines set, the salon vacuumed, the heads cleaned, etc., all the usual stuff. For the weekend, it's time for fun.

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