Cruising Tips

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Titusville - We rent a car

The Great Blue Heron - a majestic bird
We needed to provision for a few essentials, not much - just enough to last until Thursday morning of next week when we'll head north for the holidays. Enterprise greeted me with open arms, I'm one of their best customers in the area. I had reserved for today, the coming weekend, and the long term reservation for our trip north. They were doing a land-office business. There were people without cars waiting for the insurance to be approved that rented a car to tide them over. All of this was due to hurricane Irma. Nevertheless, I was able to rent a car today and I have valid reservations for next week too. The office manager said the business has been crazy and they never know what cars they'll have so they couldn't promise me anything special for my long term rental for going north.

Only a few were around
After a visit to Publix supermarket, we took a tour through one of our favorite areas, the Black Point nature trail on Merritt Island. It's an area that many species of birds use to winter over down south. Usually it's wall to wall birds but not today. We could count the number of birds we saw on one hand. We don't know if it was the hurricane or perhaps the warm weather or something else. So we sped through the area quicker than normal and took Hoolie over for his afternoon constitutional at the dog park.

Let us not forget the other inhabitants of the refuge
Hoolie is out of shape from lazing around on the boat so we just exercise him in brief spurts. Besides, we haven't been able to teach him to bring the ball back. He just drops it at the farther extent of his run and we have to go pick it up for the next throw. I don't know who's exercising who.

An out of shape Hoolie after only a few runs
Ann prepared one of her signature dishes, fried grouper sandwich with great sauce she made herself. We continue to enjoy the upper 70's weather with cool nights in the 60's for sleeping. We are now fully relaxed after our trip south with a "will we make it" mentality. Now it's time to get Fleetwing ready for our two month absence.

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