Cruising Tips

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Fernandina - at anchor

Boats piled high from Irma. I believe they were collected and deposited here to clear the waterway
The night at the Jekyll anchorage was absolutely still, as usual. Except for the occasional passing boat, there is no wave action at all. We are into the leisurely part of our trip south so we didn't get off until 8:30. The weather is definitely warming up with temps in the 70's today and lows only in the 60's.

The docks at Fernandina. A great resource lies unrepaired and unused
Coming into Fernandina, we saw boats piled high on one site. I guess they were boats that suffered during Irma but were cleared out by the locals. The Fernandina city marina is still not repaired from hurricane Matthew! I cannot imagine the logic of the city council in not repairing a resource that brings dollars in the form of dockage and fuel sales as well as customers for the local restaurants and shops. Supposedly, the council is waiting for a final ruling on the amount of funds they will receive from FEMA.The local businesses are beside themselves with frustration on the incompetence of the local government.

Fernandina has a lot to offer with lots of good restaurants and shops 
Ann had her hair done at her favorite salon, Magna's. which was followed by a meal at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Pepper's. Both establishments lived up to their reputation and our memories. We had a great time.

Ann always gets her hair done at Magna's
On Thursday we are headed for Jacksonville and the free dock there. It's not so far so it will continue our tradition of relaxed mornings when in Florida.


  1. In passing through Fernandina last year I remember hearing that the docks were not being repaired because the city wanted to move the marina to a location to the north of its present location. Much of the marina is a mud flat at low tide so rather than dredge and rebuild they want to put that money into a new facility.

  2. Richard, that makes more sense than waiting on FEMA for money. However, they could have started that process a year ago. The merchants I talked to never mentioned that proposal. They just blamed the delay on their incompetent city government.
