Cruising Tips

Friday, October 6, 2017

Solomons - At anchor

Passing under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge on a beautiful day
The forecast was outstanding for going south on the Chesapeake; 5 kts of wind out of the south and no wave action. We actually had the current with us most of the way too. With that, we passed up the Rhode River anchorage and motored on to Solomons. We took our favorite spot all the way up the creek by the Holiday Inn and their dinghy dock which they only charge $2/day.

We had wanted to reach Hampton by Monday afternoon but the weather is turning sour. Saturday and Sunday will have winds out of the south with gusts to 20 kts and 2 to 3 ft waves. That is not a good scenario for making time south. It's another case where the boat would be fine but the crew would not enjoy the ride. So we decided to hole up in the Solomons anchorage until the weather turns more favorable.

Not many boats in our anchorage - lots of room
To add to the mix, the remnant of hurricane Nate is due up here on Monday with rain all day. The first day of any chance to resume our southern trek is Tuesday, maybe. Since it's a Friday, we thought of taking advantage of Enterprise's weekend rate of $35 for Friday through Monday and I picked the car up late Friday afternoon. We intend on making the best of the situation by exploring the area and provisioning along with doing laundry.Whenever we do leave, we may just speed past Hampton or perhaps stay just one day before going on. We are way behind last year and we may have to leave Fleetwing not as far south as we would like - but still far enough to reach Key West by February.


  1. That's a great picture of Hoolie yesterday. You should frame that.

    Did you ever get your genet working?


  2. Bill,

    Yes I did. It turned out to just be a weak battery. I recharged the battery and all is okay. I’ve had several comments about wanting more pictures of Hoolie!
