Cruising Tips

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Hampton - at a dock

The event is very well organized - a great way to learn about going down the ICW
The weather was not good for a Thursday departure date so we stayed put until the weather improved which appears to be Saturday. for a Sunday arrival at Coinjock and a Monday crossing of the Albemarle. Before then there will be 15 to 25 kts of wind, not to our liking.

With the delay, I'll be hosting one of the seminars at the Snowbird Rendezvous Friday afternoon. This rendezvous is a yearly event that has grown to 50 boats with topics on all aspects of boating that include:  ICW 101 (a day on the ICW), Nav and Piloting on the ICW, Going Off-shore, Drive Train considerations, Coastal Weather Predictions, Communicative Alternatives, Dealing with Boatyards, Seminar for First Mates, Anchorages and Frugal Favorites, Diesel Engines, Crossing the Gulf Stream, Bahamas, Cuba, Shore Power, Towns and Villages along rhe ICW, and How to use Active Captain.  You can see that it's a very comprehensive series of sessions on going down the ICW.

Charlene (at right) and Tom Hale (at left) with help from others, make the event happen
I'll be hosting the panel discussion of the ICW along with Hank Pomeranz. All the topics are interesting and I'll be attending and be one of the speakers on Friday.


  1. Just got your book in preparation for our first trip south - it was a nice surprise to see you introduced this evening. Looking forward to hearing you speak...and hopefully meeting Hoolie!

  2. David & Sheila, I have to leave Hoolie on Fleetwing. Please drop by, we’re in slip 11. I have a session with Hank Pomeranz at 3:30 today.

  3. Hi. I have been enjoying the wealth of information on your blog for several months, and plan on getting your book. I will not be going down the ICW this year, but it's on my list of 'must-dos', so I live vicariously through others.

    I just wanted to mention that at I was at the Annapolis Sailboat Show, and attended a "Cruising the ICW" one hour workshop hosted by Jody Argo Schroath of Chesapeake Bay Magazine fame, and she gave your book and website much praise. way to go! Glad to see that your brand of very detailed accounting is as well liked by others as it is by me. Thanks Again and Fair Winds.

  4. James, I’m glad to be of service! I hadn’t heard about Jody's comments on my book, thanks for passing it along. Just be sure not to wait too long.
