Cruising Tips

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Coinjock - at their face dock

The first order of business is to get through the canal lock
The trip down was fine as far as the wind and the ride. The problem was visibility. There was a steady drizzle all day long which fogged the windshields. We were .lucky to make the 53 Nm trip in 8.5 hours given the multiple bridges that had to be raised and, of course, the lock. I think the water lowered by less than a foot.

There were no shallow spots if you stayed in the middle of the channel as shown on your chartplotter. At times it seemed as if you were too far away from the green marks but in this case, the chartplotter didn't lie. There is shoaling by the green marks, just stay in the channel, no problem.

We see this sign every year but it's still impressive to us
Coinjock is almost empty, about 1/3 full at best. It's a far cry from when I was here the last time when we were packed with bows over the aft section of a boat. We also too advantage of the restauarant which serves a signature dish of prime rib. So when you'r in Coinjock, you must have the prime ribs cut. They do a good job  with the preparation and actually know what "rare"  means.

On Sunday we will sail to the Alligator River Marina on the other side of the Albemarle Sound. It will be a short day to balance out the long one today.


  1. Think the weather has caused many to get a late start. Next week forecast starts to improve but you're we'll ahead of the crowds.

  2. Dawn, we still are going at a snail's pace. We're holed up at RE Mayo for the next few days waiting for the winds to calm down for a trip down the Neuse.
