Cruising Tips

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Atlantic Highlands - at anchor, ready to go Monday morning down the NJ coast

We always like to meet cruisers along the way. If you're around, drop by
We had visitors drop by this afternoon, Dawn and Dan Ritter dropped by for a chat. They are headed in the same direction and also plan on taking off Monday morning for Atlantic City. There's always a flotilla headed south on the good weather days this time of the year.

Trips ashore are always of high interest to Hoolie
I found the dinghy dock that much closer to the boat than the one I've been using so far. This dock is in the fairway before the fuel dock. It's marked "Dinghies Only In This Area". There's room for four dinghies but then you could always double up on a cleat to get more in, ala Block Island.

The weather has finally given us a window (unless it changes at 3:30 am like it did last time). With the forecast of 5 to 10 kts of wind and 2 ft waves, it ought to be a good trip down the New Jersey coast. We plan on taking a dock at the Golden Nugget for $1.50/ft, the October rate if you belong to Marina Life.

Hopefully, our last sunset this fall in Atlantic Highlands
Just as if life was getting dull with the good weather predicted, the genset decided not to start this afternoon. With all the anchoring out we plan on doing over the next few weeks, a genset is vital for us. The error code was "OC" which stands for Over Cranking really means, it "didn't start." A whole host of things can cause this from a frozen rotor (big bucks) to something as simple as a low battery. I called ahead and located a dealer so I'll take it from there. There's always something to keep life on the ICW interesting...

1 comment:

  1. It was great to meet you today. See you in AC. Enjoy the rest of your trip. The restaurant we were telling you about is Boomerangs.
