Cruising Tips

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

On Fleetwing - we ready to move Thursday! Finally!

Let's see, Hoolie hangs out on the port side of the dinghy, guess where the patches are located?
We loaded Fleetwing this afternoon and we're ready to go on Thursday morning. The hurricanes have finally departed. The forecasts for Saturday have been wildly varying. Some days it's good, some days it's bad. Currently it's for 15 kts or a little higher out of the north with a 3ft swell. It's not ideal but it's good enough for us to get down the coast to Atlantic City.
Saturday still looks good although with a lot of wind

We met two boats on the way south from Toronto and they are also looking to anchor out at Atlantic City Friday night. I suspect there will be a crowd there for the leg south. With all the hurricanes, everyone's looking at the first window for the rush down the coast. With all the delays, we are not so early this year.
Evening at PYC. We're anxious to get off Thursday morning!

Meanwhile, Hoolie is going fine. He's happy to be back on Fleetwing. It's his real home since he's spent more time on Fleetwing than on land in his lifetime. We heard from Dennis, a friend from Key West a few dock slips down from us in Key West Bight Marina. His boat has a few scratches but it's fine. The Bight itself didn't sustain any damage since the seawall was not breached. All they had was wind but not the damaging waves. We're headed south!

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