Cruising Tips

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Irma - Eye over Key West at 10:am on Sunday

Right up the west coast
Irma is headed up Florida after passing over the Keys. We've mapped out a few webcams that are more reliable than most but even those are starting to fail tonight. Here are the ones to try.
A "before view" of Key West Bight from The Marker Hotel, our dock is at the far right
Here's a "before" picture of the Galleon docks. Compare this to what you find Sunday morning

Marker Hotel in Key West Bight. From the webcam, we can see our dock at E14 at the far right of the picture. The webcam sequences between three shots so be patient and wait for the view you want, provided it's even operational Sunday morning.

The Galleon, also at Key West Bight. You can get a good picture of the breakwater protecting the harbor. If the water and waves push over that, the boats are in danger (even more).

The Southernmost Hotel. The webcam was out at 10:30 pm.

Southernmost Buoy. See the waves crashing over the breakwater.

Two Friends roof top cam in Key West. This webcam was still going strong at 10:45 pm on Saturday night.

So hold on and see the results of Irma Sunday morning, if any of the cams are still working.

Meanwhile, there's Jose to worry about. It's very possible that it will run up the east coast. 

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