Cruising Tips

Friday, August 4, 2017

2017 ICW Cruising Guide Now Available

I published the 2017 ICW Cruising Guide this morning. It is immediately available by clicking on the link at left that shows the book's cover. This year's version is formatted 8.5 x 11 inches and 220 pages long with all pictures and charts in full color. It's a direct order from the publisher, CreateSpace. The same book from CreateSpace will be on in a few days along with the ebook version. For a description of the guide, please see the previous post.

If you purchase the hardcopy version at left, then the ebook is free. Just send me your email address after purchasing your copy and I'll forward a link to download the ebook. To clarify, A free ebook is available to those who have purchased the hard copy book. If you bought the book off, the ebook is automatically approved for free when you place the ebook order. If you bought it directly from CreateSpace (the link on the blog), then just send me your email address and I'll give you a link for downloading the ebook. My email address is: 

In a few days I'll post an article under "ICW Tips" with all the hyperlinks that are underlined in blue in the book so you don't have to Google anything. Of course, the ebook has all the links already active so that's another way of accessing the references in the book. For the first time, the ebook also has an active Table of Contents in Kindle format for easy access.

This book has been a labor of love. I give thanks to my sister who is an English major for all the corrections in grammar and spelling although any remaining errors are all my own. I even found myself making errors in trying to correct errors! The formatting of ebooks is a nightmare. You just cannot get all the pictures and text to correctly flow like you can in a hardcopy book. I did the best I could after six revisions. Everything is there in the ebook, it just tends to be scattered somewhat due to the reader's choice of type size and device.

Please leave comments and/or a review on The reviews help everybody.

Now I'm off to Ocean City, NJ, for a week at the beach with the Fleetwing crew (no, I'm not taking the boat - as someone always asks).


  1. Thanks Bob,
    Just ordered the hardcopy so would like to get the e version as well. We used your 2016 version on the trip north this spring, our first, and the book and GPX routes were great. Looking forward to the updated version.

    Thanks for all your efforts.

    Greg and Lisa Smith
    MV Privateer KK52

  2. Greg, I don't seem to have your email address. Email me at with your email address and I'll see you get a copy. I plan on doing much more this year with GPX files of some of the difficult passages. All the links are active in the ebook but you really need an iPad to see things well.
