Cruising Tips

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Croton Point in Haverstraw - at anchor

Finn's favorite building
Hello it’s the long lost FINN!!! Today we saw some skyscrapers. We are anchored at Croton point. We swam of the back of the boat. Matt joined us too. We saw one skyscraper that we called the drunk architect. It was really crocked so they attached it to the building next to it. I don’t know who would buy it but whoever who bought it must have been CRAZY!!! Today was a great day.      

Another odd one
We have Matthew on board who's in the architect school at Roger Williams University as a Junior this coming year so it was interesting rounding Manhattan and seeing some of the wilder buildings and Matt's assessment of the design. Finn was impressed once again by the "leading towers" of two buildings (pictured). I can only guess that it's just the desire to be different that drives such a design. Likewise for the buildings that appeared to be inspired by Lego blocks. On the other hand the Freedom Tower looked elegant and unique at the same time. It was an interesting ride.

How would you like to work here?
We went through Hell Gate as the tide was turning against us in the hope that by the time we reached the Hudson River, the tide would be in our favor. However, once again in our experience the tide was late. We bucked an adverse current all the way to Haverstraw Bay! It should have turned by at least the George Washington bridge according to the tide tables. We have never seen it turn on time yet! 

Magnificent Manhattan
We are now anchored off Croton Point with about 50 other boats (it's a Saturday night). We well conclude our journey Sunday upon returning to PYC late afternoon. I wish we had more wind for the trip but that's the chance you take in Long Island Sound in the summer. 

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