Cruising Tips

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Croton Point - at anchor, July Adventures on Camp Fleetwing

They were fascinated with the large ships going by
Today was AWESOME!!! This is Finn by the way. Today we sailed down the Hudson river. My grandfather gave us some riddles to try to figure out. The one I got stuck om was what is greater than God but worse than the devil what do the poor have and the rich need and if you eat it you will DIE!!! The answer will be in Natalie's blog tomorrow. We just anchored at Croton Point. I took a swim off the back of the boat and snorkeled a bit. Today was an AWESOME day but sadly I didn’t do any more than that. So I am sad to say this but BYE!!     

Exercise is a big part of keeping the crew happy
Today was quite the adventure on Camp Fleetwing. We have four grandkids aboard on a 42 ft sailboat. We do have two cabins but that's hardly enough room for four active kids. Their first task was to dewater the dinghy which was done amid much splashing with most of the water exiting the dinghy. We took on fuel and then we were off! The weather could not have been better with a high in the mid 80's and cool breezes. The kids gawked at the large ships going up the Hudson River and we motored on to anchor at the north side of Croton Point. 

Part 2 is keeping the crew fed!
Ann prepared a one pot meal with sweet and sour chicken which the kids enjoyed and we're resting  before everyone hits the hay. I think they are going to bed much earlier than they ever do at home. Our motto is, "If we're ready for bed, then the kids are too!"  At least the swimming off the back of the boat did tire them out just a little (but not much!). 

The Captain and Admiral are ready for bed! Now to convince the crew...
Thursday we head for Manhasset Bay via Hell Gate and the East River. Everybody will be wearing lifejackets for that trip. It can get rough through New York Harbor and especially through the East River with the tugs stirring up the water. There's no swimming in Manhasset Bay so we'll have to find another way to exercise the kids. 

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