Cruising Tips

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Vero Beach - "Ponied Up" at a mooring

Sunrise at Hobe Sound
Vero Beach is one of the few places that has a tradition of doubling or even tripling up on moorings when they fill up. The only other place that does that I can think of is Cuttyhunk up north. We arrived in good stead, around 2:00 pm but they were still full. We were assigned to mooring number 14 which, of course, was already occupied. The captain and crew were not aboard which presented a challenge in rafting up with the wind blowing up to 20 kts. We prevailed upon one of the marina crew to go aboard the vessel and take our lines. That made things much easier but still touchy with the wind. Eventually, all was secure and we here for the night.

Nina and Pinta replicas are at Vero Beach this week 
On the way up we ran by the shallows just south of Ft Pierce. There were two dredges on site. One was the traditional vacuum dredge but the second one which was just arriving as we passed by had a snout that looked like it could drill through rock, lots of grinding gears evident. I guess the first dredge ran into more than it could handle and they brought in the big guns. By going outside the channel on the green side by 50 to 80 ft I found 7 MLW but it all ought to be cleared up within a week I would guess. Lots of boats have been going aground here by passing too close to R188A

Neighbors are always nearby at Vero Beach when doubling up on a mooring
Vero Beach is full, of course. We had wanted to head north to Titusville on Thursday but the weather forecast is not good. There are thunderstorms predicted and steady winds of 20 kts out of the west with higher gusts. We'll look at the Thursday morning weather report and make a call but it looks like we're staying for awhile. The Vero Beach anchorage is very protected and would be a good place when high winds are predicted.
A weather change is coming, a cold front (called a cool front up north, or actually a very warm front...)

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