Cruising Tips

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Awendaw Anchorage - at anchor

Ann likes to collect photos of bleached trees for use in her paintings
With the current behind us we find that it's easiest to just back out and continue that way until you reach the ICW. Backing and then going into forward for a quick turn with a 1 to 2 kt current in a limited space fairway is a formula for true excitement, for yourself and for those on adjacent boats! So we made the exit without incident, always a positive.

Elliot Cut was supposed to have only a 1 kt current but we found 3 kts against us. It must have been due to the recent heavy rains. We proceeded across the bay and entered the Isle of Palms passage. It was just dredged last year but we found that it is already starting to shoal up to 5.1 MLW in one place. By the time we reached McClellanville, the tide was dropping so we took our planned anchorage at Awendaw. It's an easy in and out with 10 ft everywhere and no wave action. You could drop an anchor there and hold at 1:1 scope! The bottom is thick, gooey mud.

Out in the boonies! A nice anchorage, plenty of room. 
We know the anchorage well from our previous visits and we have a place mapped out for Hoolie relief which we used twice so far today. We expect a quiet night and then we're off for Georgetown but with a high tide for all the shallows through McClellanville, no aspirin needed this trip!

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