Cruising Tips

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Key West - Winter Storm at home, Skraeling at Schooner Wharf

Snow at home in New York! Seeing snow at a distance is so nice!
We have webcams at home that will provide a live video feed via the internet so we can see what's happening up north. We had some interest today since it was the day of the predicted blizzard. Well, we were not disappointed. We are so glad we're down here and not up there! The snow is piling up and the winds are increasing but we're snug in Key West!

Skraeling at Schooner Wharf
There is one band we are particularly fond of, Skraeling. They play Irish music and the lead musician plays the fiddle as well as anyone I've ever seen. I recorded two videos. The first one is of the three piece band and can be seen here. The second one is just of the fiddle player and he really goes to town. He starts out, then rests for a bit but then finishes in a flourish. You can see the second video here.

So we found a table, had a fish sandwich and just enjoyed some of the best fiddle playing we've ever seen. What a great way to enjoy Key West!

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