Cruising Tips

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Key West - The Wyland mural

Wyland mural by the docks
Every morning I walk Hoolie by the Wyland mural by the docks. Every few years Wyland will repaint the mural to keep it fresh. He has painted over 100 mural on various public buildings all over the world across five continents. They are ocean scenes and promote awareness of ocean ecology. It a nice use of a space that would otherwise be bare. I see the one pictured every morning.

The grand entrance, note the iron work
The Waterfront Brewery seems to be doing well and they've invested in some expensive iron work at the grand entrance (see photos). It's one of the few (if not the only place ) that has full sized pool tables for use (9 feet, not the bar sized 8 or 7.5 ft size). They have a full menu and seem quite popular. They have a view of the harbor so they can dine and watch us enjoy our wine on the back of the boat. I think we have a better view.

Someone spent some time on shaping the iron
Mainly we're just relaxing on our boat and enjoying walking along the Key West streets. We chose a different path each day and the flowers are coming into full bloom, very pretty.

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