Cruising Tips

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Key West - Revisit to the parrots and a kayak trip

Mike is holding a conch shell with the critter partially coming out, it's big!
Today was AWESOME!!! We went kayaking. I paddled the most while mom was telling me to slow down. We saw fish, sponge, a conch, its eyes where on stocks and it was coming out of its shell. + we saw a sea cucumber # it has pricks on it’s body and even a horseshoe crab. It was so cool. It was small but AWESOME!!! We also went to see the parrots again. This time Rowan held the parrot. Sadly in 2 days I leave to go back home. That’s all the things we did today that was worth going on the blog BYE!!! JJJ     

In the morning Finn took his parents and Rowan to the parrot rescue house where we went earlier this week. This time Rowan got to hold the parrot. The place is an oasis in the middle of Key West. Once in the backyard of this house, you wouldn't know there was anything else around. The keepers imported nut trees from South America to provide food native to the parrots. After 25 years, the trees are fully grown.
Ann is holding a horseshoe crab upside down and the critter is moving all around

 At Lazy Dog Adventures you can take a tour or just rent a kayak or paddleboard on your own. The six of us went on an eco tour led by one of the staff. It's a two hour tour and the paddling is more than relaxed, especially if the tide is against you. Still, it was interesting with the creatures brought to the surface by the guide for discussion (sea cucumber, live conch that extended out of its shell, a horseshoe crab and more). It was an interesting tour for both us and the kids.
The next stop was an eco tour via kayaking by

It's just one more full day before everyone has to return to the cold north.

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