Cruising Tips

Friday, February 3, 2017

Key West - Pelicans

Feeding time for pelicans
Today was great. I got all my work done in the morning so I got the afternoon off. I did take a fractions test. It was hard. There where some questions that made me think A LOT!!! We are watching MacGyver tonight. It is very interesting. Tonight we are having TACOS. I love TACOS just so you know. We also went to the dog park today. We met the guy that bought all the stuff for the dog park. That’s really all the things we did today that was worth going on the blog BYE!!!       

On the way over to the dog park we met the pelicans that were waiting for feeding time at 4:00. They were lined up on top of the turtle museum all in a row. They learn quickly on how to get free food. We can see the same routine play out at the tarpon feeding station over by A & B Lobster House. 

The turtle museum at night
I took Finn by BO's Fishwagon to listen to the trumpet player again tonight. It's a three person band with Barry Cuda on the piano and a drummer along with the trumpet player. Finn watched him closely. The weather has turned very mild, it will be a good week for Philip and family who are due to arrived Saturday afternoon for a week's visit, great fun. 


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