Cruising Tips

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Key West - Garbo's Grill and the aquarium

Time for food!
Today was great. We went to a food truck. The food was soooooo good. I had a big burger. I simply could not finish it. We also went to the aquarium. There were so many fish. There were rays and turtles and even sharks!!! + I got to feed a ray.  They are so cold. Probably because they’re cold blooded. I also saw alligators with a turtle in the same tank. That’s all BYE!!!               

On the way, a lizard was caught, we could see it squirm as it descended down his neck!
There was schoolwork in the morning but then we had the rest of the day after noon. First on the schedule was lunch at Garbo's Grill. Finn had their signature hamburger which he enjoyed but he couldn't finish the 1/2 lb burger. Ann and I had the tacos which were also good.

The main auditorium of the aquarium 
Then it was on to Key West Aquarium at the southern end of town founded in 1933. It doesn't look that big from the outside but it opens up into quite an area once you are inside. They had a "feeling" tank where you can pick up hard shelled critters and they also let you feed the rays. Many of the larger animals like the sea going turtles are rescue animals, ones that have met with injury in the wild and now have a home for recovery.

In one room they have a natural looking tank with all local fish including an eel which were fed as we watched. It's a worthwhile attraction and we've been there twice so far. We are getting lots of exercise down here, a lot of walking.


  1. Bob,

    Im 68...and the first time I went to that aquarium in Key West, I was Finn's age. I was 10. I remember visiting with my dad. We had driven to Key West from Miami to catch a Cubana flight to Havana. That was 1958... ! It hasnt changed. I always try to visit the aquarium when I go to Key West.

  2. Did you take Hoolie to the aquarium with you? Where else would they let dogs in!

  3. Mary, we left Hoolie at the boat with peanut butter in a Kong. He was happy.

    Fred, the aquarium is the same as ever. It's a nice size and it comes with guided tours.
