Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Titusville - Last Day

A common sight in Florida, an osprey atop a power pole
It’s Finn, today was pretty cool when I woke up we went on a walk. Once we came back we had breakfast. After that we did school work YEA. We took Hoolie to the dog park. Throwing the ball was fun. I read chapter 4 of Treasure Island. For lunch I had a sandwich. After that we did more work. For math we did fractions. Grandpa said my writing is getting beater. I also pumped out the dink. We saw osprey nests. They build big nests from twigs and branches. We are looking for manatees but had no luck. Today we wore shorts. Tomorrow we leave. We are going to Vero Beach. We are attaching to a mooring ball. I cant wait to move I get to test out the dink. That’s all that’s happening BYE!!! 

Atop the pole they can survey their domain and be safe from any disturbance 
We've been after Finn to say more than "Hi, great time today, bye". So today we helped him think of more things to say but it's still all in his words. I do go over his paragraph with him to correct the spelling and grammar but he's gradually getting better with practice. 

Never have I seen Titusville Marina so full. Here's C dock, it's never been full in the past
Today was the last day of prep for restarting our trip south. I topped off the water tanks, Finn dewatered the dinghy, Ann vacuumed the downstairs, I settled with Titusville Marina on dockage and bought ice. We'll leave around 7:30 am for Vero Beach, a long day of motoring. It will be the first test of our new transmission and new oil seal. Hopefully all the money was worth it. 

Goodbye Titusville
In the pictures you see an osprey nest at the top of a telephone pole. It's a very common sight in Florida. Many power poles will have a flat, round platform attached to the topmost point, the ospreys love them and build nests. There are two nests right by the marina, I took a photo of one that's posted in the blog. As the day faded, the moon came up and we said our goodbyes to our last night in Titusville for awhile. Tomorrow it's Vero Beach. 

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