Cruising Tips

Friday, January 6, 2017

Titusville - Kennedy Space Center

The shuttle was much larger than I expected
It’s Finn again today we went to the Kennedy Space Center. We saw so many things. We saw space ships we tried to land a space craft safely. I failed at it. We also did a real flight test with all the pressure on my face it felt like it was melting! We went on a bus tour and learned some interesting facts. After the bus ride we went to see MORE ROCKET SHIPS. For lunch I had a deep dish pizza. We also saw an IMAX movie. That’s really all I did today BYE!!!

Don't push the wrong button!!
We started out around 9:30 and got back to the boat by 4:30, a very full day and we still didn't see everything. For those who may want to visit, the must things to see are:  Atlantic Shuttle exhibit, the shuttle launch simulator referred to by Finn, the bus tour to see the Saturn V rocket which includes a recap of two Saturn V launches with the original control centers displayed in front of the room, the moon landing recap, two 3D IMAX theaters, each with its own movie, followed by a walk through the rocket park. Somewhere in there you have to eat and there's plenty of lunch areas around for that. 

Small boy, large rocket (Saturn V)
The area is solely supported by the price of admission tickets, there's no public funding we're told. As I noticed in the past, the exhibits are spotless and they seem to add a new exhibit every few years. It is very well run with smooth crowd control but in the winter I have to believe there's fewer people to stress the system. Only one of the three shuttle simulators was running today and there still was little wait. I think Finn had fun. 

All the new space companies have their own buildings (Space X, Boeing, Blue Origin, and others)
Saturday we're due to get the southern edge of the bad weather hitting the Midwest with rain and even a thunderstorm predicted. With that we'll do inside work and try to clean the deck between showers. Sunday should  be better and if so we'll head off to the Brevard County Zoo. 

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