Cruising Tips

Monday, January 9, 2017

Titusville - Brevard County Zoo

Birds were after the small cup in his left hand
It’s Finn. TODAY WAS SO COOL!!! We saw so many birds. I did get a nasty surprise. A bird open fire on my shirt (from above). We saw rays and parrots and TURTLES!!!!!! I also got to pet a crab. We got to feed birds. We went on a train ride and saw camels. We saw jaguars, they had walk ways above us. That’s all I did BYE!!! 

Finn fed the giraffe too
Well, I think Finn had a more interesting day today. The Brevard County Zoo is very kid oriented with lots of kid/animal interaction areas. Finn enjoyed the bird feeding area and in feeding the giraffes. The weather was still cool for Florida with the high only 65. Many of the exhibits had heat lamps turned on with the animals snugged up under them, especially the reptiles. We looked at our thermometer at home via our webcams and saw a temperature of -4 this morning! 

If I were a bird....
I'll turn the car in Tuesday and then it's a full court press to get everything ready for a Friday departure southward. Finn will be getting back to a full day of schooling too. 


  1. Hie thee to the Keys! It isn't 80 (yet) but the low is 65. When will you be down, Fiona is playing on Caroline St. Near Dante's

  2. Hi, we will arrive the 28th if all goes according to plan. We have to get together this year!
