Cruising Tips

Friday, January 27, 2017

Key West - Barry Cuda with a horn player

Before he knew...
It’s Finn. Today was not exciting. I did school work to make up for yesterday. The burger I had was awesome. I did not finish it because it was TOO BIG. Besides I was filled with calamari. # OCTOPUS!!! I don’t think I will look at calamari the same way ever again. I did do well on my horn today. As they say practice makes perfect. I can't Wait for my cousins and family to be here!!! For some reason we keep seeing chickens. I also saw a guy using a weed whacker as a motor!!! That’s really all the stuff that happened today BYE!!!                          

As I said yesterday, Finn now knows that calamari is octopus! He said he still liked it though. He plays the horn for his orchestra so when I heard that Barry Cuda's band had a trumpet player tonight at BO's Fishwagon, Ann and I took Finn by to watch the trumpet player. He was very good and Finn watched. During one of the numbers some of the people started to dance and one woman wanted Finn to dance too but he was too shy. On seeing chickens, well, in Key West they run free and are protected. 

The trumpet player
Other than that, we did the usual things when you've been away from a dock for awhile (boat stuff, and laundry). One thing I noticed when walking around was that the restaurant prices have gone up dramatically. The price of a grouper sandwich at BO's Fishwagon went from $15 to $20 this year. A Cuban sandwich from Cuban Coffee Queen went from $6.50 to $8.50. Monthly price for a dock also increased $4/ft. Caroline street is finally finished after a year and many buildings have been renovated. I guess things are looking up for Key West.               


  1. Higgs, oh no! I never looked it up, squid, not octopus! At least Finn knew about octopus, I don't think he's ever heard of squid. Thanks for the correction.

  2. Barry Cuda and the Sharks....we have heard them!

  3. Quanndry, Barry plays the best piano in Key West, no contest (as long as you like songs prior to 1965). He'll often tell the history of a song as he plays it. He plays all over Key West and he usually has accompaniment from other musicians that happen to be in town at the time. If you're ever in Key West you must find him and spend at least one evening listening. He plays somewhere every day. He's been in Key West ever since we've been coming down, the last 7 years.
