Cruising Tips

Saturday, October 1, 2016

RE Mayo - at their dock for $0.40/ft

Dodging storms at 7 kts! It can be done with planning and radar
We had intended anchoring at the Pungo River but when we reached the anchorage at 1:00 pm we decided to push on to RE Mayo. Once again the storms were all around us none hit us. We seemed to be the only boat out today and when we reached RE Mayo a few minutes before 5:00, we found it deserted. We took the dock right next to the only 30 amp outlet and were snug for the night. Note that RE Mayo is not for everyone. It is not a marina, it’s just a facedock where you’re likely to have no help docking. They really don’t take reservations, just drop in and tie up and then visit the office to pay. You’ll have to step over the bad parts of the docks but then that’s part of the RE Mayo experience. Inside you’ll see a wide selection of everything you might want if you run a 70 ft shrimp boat!

It's a working shrimp dock, everyone's in today
RE Mayo is closed on Sundays and they close at 5:00 on Saturday so I got there just under the wire. We are very fond of their seafood which is the major reason for taking a dock there. They flash freeze food they’ve caught so we stocked up on shrimp, scallops and crab meat. We’ll have a feast later on.

The docks here are not marina quality and not to everyone's liking but it's fine with us for the price and seafood
Needless to say, we are closely monitoring Matthew which is coming up the coast. The spaghetti projections still have it staying off shore but we still hurried to get through the North Carolina bays which stick out into the Atlantic. We will go over the last of the bays on Sunday and anchor in Cedar Creek and then reevaluate Matthew and our plans for the rest of the week.
Multiple models are all tracked here, most have Matthew going out to sea


  1. Bob,
    I met you last winter at Titusville, it was brief so you may not remember. My wife and I are live aboards. We are docked at River Dunes. Curious about your plans for Matthew? Can you share your advice?

  2. Bella,

    We are concerned! We plan on reaching St James Plantation by Tuesday and holing up for the duration. It's a condo development surrounded by high buildings (the two and three story condos). It's the best we can do.
