Cruising Tips

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hampton - at a dock

The  Virginia Air and Space Museum 
Rain is in the forecast for the next three days so we'll probably be here at least until Friday. Meanwhile I've lost the use of my laptop. After updating to the latest version of iTunes the laptop will not boot into windows. According to the internet I am not alone in this problem but the solution is not obvious so I have my work cut out for me Tuesday. So for the moment, I'm working with the much reduced capabilities of the iPad app.

Meanwhile we provisioned with a trip to the nearest Walmart and I found a replacement house water pump after listening to ominous sounds out of the present one. However, it's still working but it doesn't sound so good so I now have a spare. One cannot be without house water!

The marina is right next to a seven story parking garage which presents a great opportunity for inspecting your upper rigging with a telephoto camer! You're at eye level with the top of your mast. It's apparent that I may need to replace the UHF antenna soon, it looks very corroded.

So Friday looks like our next moving day. After all, why move o days with 70% chance of a thunderstorm!

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