Cruising Tips

Monday, September 19, 2016

Cape May - Still here

We had our 58 ft at low tide today
Oh hum, still in Cape May. Today was nothing but heavy rain, all day long. Our plan is to leave the dock at 6:00 am to make it through the Cape May Canal bridges at low tide. That depends on what kind of day Tuesday turns out to be. If it's like today, we'll sit out yet another day. If it's only drizzle or a light rain, we'll leave. I had at least four inches of rain in the dinghy (lots of bailing). Looking at the radar, there appears to be no letup in the downpour. We've seen all we want to see of Cape May, it's time to move but not in a downpour.

The downside of trailing a dinghy

Meanwhile, I walked out to check the bridge height at low tide and saw 58 ft as expected, even the heavy rains didn't affect the height so we'll have plenty of clearance even with 2 ft of tide. We moved over to a face dock since we only had 2 ft 6 inches at low tide where we were at. When speaking with the dockhand he said that dock was not dredged but the ones on either side were and offered to move us over. We opt'ed for the face dock, easy to get out of by ourselves in the early morning hours. You can follow us on Spot tomorrow to see if we actually left or not.

We have 62 Nm to go for Chesapeake City so we would really like a nice day but that's balanced against being here so long. I've done enough boat projects!


  1. Bob-how do we follow you on your spot? Our spot use to post to Facebook. We are behind you, hoping to leave our home port of Atlantic Highlands tomorrow morning. Thanks, Dawn & Dan on SVGertie

  2. If you plan to make the Carolinas in the next 7 to 10 days, keep an eye on fuel supplies. The Carolinas experiencing a fuel shortage due to a broken distribution pipe in Alabama.

  3. Dawn, you can follow me on Spot by clicking on "Follow Fleetwing on Google Map" on my blog page. There are two choices, last 24 hrs or last 7 days.

    Fired Up, thanks for the info, I'll be sure to call ahead for fuel when in the Carolinas.
