Cruising Tips

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Last day of four grandkids

So Rowan went up the yellow tube, dull just going down it
Hi, this is Sarah and today was super hot,  and we went on a super long dingy ride that was so much fun. I got to steer the dingy a ways and I've gotten better at it. We also went to the pool today and spent a couple hours there. The marina is really fun because there is also a tiny playground. Hello it's me Natalie, today was very awesome! First we got to take a two hour ride in the dink and I got to drive a couple times. Then we went to the playground and played tether ball with Finn and Sarah. I am sad we have to leave tomorrow, but have had so much fun on the boat! Hi it's Finn and we had lots of  FUN today we rode on the dink we went to the pool again! Hey guys this is Rowan again and I just have to say this was an awesome day! Also if my mom is reading this I love you and wish you were here, and on my party train! 

Kid heaven, lots of toys
Well today certainly was a hot day with a high in the 90's. Before the heat set in we all took a dinghy ride and everybody got a chance to steer, even Rowan. Everyone was content to steer a straight course except Rowan, straight courses are so boring. He wanted to go from side to side and he was the one who found out how to speed up the motor. All of a sudden we were going very fast, Rowan was having fun. 

The marina here has a great layout for kids. There's an outdoor ping pong table, a maypole, a volleyball net, a pirate ship and a climbing tower along with the major attraction of the swimming pool. It's only 3 ft deep at either end going to 5 ft in the middle. It even has shade, some awning over the pool in the middle. Here's Rowan swimming. And now it's Finn's turn. 

A two hour ride before the heat
So both the kids and the grandparents got a good workout today, time to go home and rest! Sarah said we ought to do this for two weeks! I don't know about that but the time together was priceless. We're on our way home on Thursday to beat the afternoon thunderstorm predicted and then it's home for the night. 

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