Cruising Tips

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Kilkenny Marina -at a dock

Live Oaks of Kilkenny
We got up early so we could negotiate Little Mud River without too much excitement, we were off our anchor by 6:45 am. The river is notorious for shallow water, typically around 4.5 ft which would be pretty dicey with our 4 ft 9 in keel. Getting there was no problem. Jekyll creek is no challenge with a 6 ft tide. Even at Little Mud River we had a little over 5 ft, a breeze. We made such good time that we bypassed the Wahoo Creek anchorage and pressed on to Kilkenny Marina. It's closer to Hell Gate and the time of high tide.

Not much business but the location is handy for us
Kilkenny Marina is out in the boonies. It's surrounded by very old live oaks with lots of hanging moss, very southern. I continue to be fascinated by the way the live oaks grow. They reach a relatively short height but their limbs spread out further than their height. I don't recall any other tree growing so broad. I understand the wood is not good for furniture because the grain swirls, a  feature that makes the limbs strong and suitable for uses of wood requiring great strength. The trees were coveted for the building of ships. Due to the odd shapes of the limbs, some were exact fits for portions of the ships (e.g., the forward part of the keel) and since they were all in one piece, they were the strongest wood available.

We plan on taking a dock at Thunderbolt in Savannah on Thursday for a day, then it's onward to Charleston two days later, we hope. The weather seems to be in good spell for moving north and we intend taking advantage of that, especially after all the bad weather to date.


  1. Bob--

    We checked your SPOT Track a few times yesterday and it seemed like you were really flying along. Were you motor sailing or simply motoring?

    I hope, by the time you read this, you will have had good luck/a safe passage today.


    Kitt'n Scott
    s/v HyLyte

  2. Kitt'n Scott, unfortunately we were just motoring, too many turns for sailing.
