Cruising Tips

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Barefoot Landing Marina - Visits from Blog readers

View of the lake at Barefoot Landing
For the first time in awhile we both got out and ran/walked for 30 minutes in the morning. The one downside about cruising is that when you're not at a marina long term, the exercise level tends to decrease. You still get a good workout by going up and down the companionway stairs and in countering the motion of the boat as it moves along but it's not the same as purposely moving in the morning on a run.

They even have a "pirate" ship
Barefoot Landing has a service where they will take you for grocery shopping during the day at no charge. We took advantage of that offer and went to Walmart (where else?) and stocked up. Evidently my fame is spreading. I found a couple waiting for me that had just bought a trawler. They were headed south to Savannah and wanted to see me about recommendations along the way and hazards to avoid. We spent about an hour in the cockpit going over the details. They bought two of my cruising books and I was even asked to sign one. The dockmaster also wanted one of the books.

Wildlife is in abundance
By Tuesday we should be at Don and Liz Bunch's condo in Washington, North Carolina if the weather holds. We'll first head for Carolina Beach State Park on Friday. They have dockage at $30/day regardless of the size of the boat. That's my kind of marina. The current will be flowing north by the time we get to the Cape Fear river, a must for going north since it can reach three knots. Hopefully the weather holds.

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