Cruising Tips

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Key West - Pastels for 2017 Culture Magazine

Two palms, a pastel
Ann has been doing pastels on the back of the boat since we've  been down here. She just enjoys painting but she saw an ad for the Florida Keys Council of the Arts. They are doing a magazine for the Keys that shows artists' interpretations of the the local area. There was no charge to submit paintings so she selected three out of her collection for submission.

A house nearby - everything's in bloom in Key West
Not being a local, she has little chance of winning anything but it would be nice if one of her paintings was selected to appear in the magazine. So I took photos and did the submission over the internet this afternoon. Everything is done this way now. You used to submit slides but everyone's gone digital anymore.

Ann's sunset
We're still watching the weather and it looks like Monday through Wednesday are good days to get all the way from Key West to Marine Stadium in Miami. We'll take the weather while we can, it was so unpredictable on the way down.  Besides, it's getting hot down here, 82 today. We had the air conditioning on all day. At anchor it's fine since you're turned into the wind and get good ventilation but at a dock the wind doesn't always come over the bow.

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