Cruising Tips

Friday, March 11, 2016

Key West - Moon rise and the Dweebs

It's a great band that gets everyone involved in the performance
With the coming of the weekend, Ann's allergies appear to be lessening. The work on Caroline Street stops Saturday and Sunday so the upheavals from digging up the street don't happen then. So today we mostly stayed inside. However, we did take the side trip to the fish market at Half Shell Raw Bar.  If you're ever in Key West and have access to cooking facilities I strongly recommend a visit to the fish market there. The fish is as fresh as they come, right off the boats. Anyplace else will not be as fresh no matter what they say. Ann prepared hogfish tonight, just great!

Not a sunset but rather a moon set over the harbor
After dinner I took Hoolie for his evening walk and stopped by Schooner Wharf to listen to the Dweebs, a band that plays tunes you know and the audience was joining in signing and clapping. It's great entertainment when the entire place joins in with everyone having just a great time.

The winds have calmed down some and will calm even more on Saturday. It remains very warm but the high winds stirs up dust and other stuff that can affect allergies. The weekend ought to be better for Ann.

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