Cruising Tips

Friday, January 22, 2016

Loggerhead at Lantana - 37 kt winds!

The docks are attached to the condos but have nothing to do with them
Today was a day of storms. We had high winds and rain all day long and we were glad we had a dock which allowed easy access to shore for Hoolie. Stepping on and off the boat was interesting with the 3 ft tide and the fixed docks. Hoolie had to take his time to study the situation before making the leap, he's careful of his body. He was better going down than up over the open water under the gap between the boat and dock.

My outboard has been serviced. It turned out to be a carbonized spark plug. I probably could have saved some dollars by replacing the spark plug myself  but then if it were something more involved then I would have been up a creek. I'll have the gear oil replaced and the bottom oil plug gasket replaced too so the motor will be almost as good as new. Without the motor we are in serious trouble.

Loved the boat name, this guy provided some good protection during the day
We'll stay here one more day to wait out the expected 30 kt winds on Saturday and aim to leave Sunday for Ft Lauderdale. Where and when we go from there depends upon the weather. We'd like to get as far as Rodriguez Key but that's a real hike and we would need a calm night since it's totally exposed to the easterly trade winds. If we do make it to Rodriguez Key, then it's not too far to reach Newfound Harbor and Picnic Key to await the next weather window. At least, that's the plan for the moment, the weather being what it is.

Update at 7:19 pm - Hoolie falls into the water! He was trying to make that tricky leap and misjudged the distance. Plunk he went. He dog paddled to the ladder and clung on for dear life. I climbed down the ladder but couldn't budge him - he held on like a dying sailor. Ann got the dink loose on the side of the boat and towed it towards the ladder so I could climb inside. Then I had leverage to disengage Hoolie from the ladder (we was NOT letting go). Finally I was able to pull him loose and into the dinghy. From there I could hoist him up to the dock, not a fun trip. Needless to say, I carried Hoolie back on board after he did his business.


  1. Ahhh, the dog days of winter. We're sitting in a new brewery overlooking your dock (more or less) Better weather here, see you soon. It's a great day at the KOA (or anywhere in the Keys!

  2. Ahhh, the dog days of winter. We're sitting in a new brewery overlooking your dock (more or less) Better weather here, see you soon. It's a great day at the KOA (or anywhere in the Keys!

  3. Can't wait to get there!! We spent a lot of time dodging storms, no fun.

  4. Its just been an awful wet and windy winter so far this year here in South Florida... Hopefully, it will all clear and we will have a typical February...with clearer skys and gentler winds.

  5. Fred, I sure hope so, the Admiral is not pleased...


  6. Here's a cool little app I found that gives some pretty accurate wind and wave forecasts...
