Cruising Tips

Friday, September 18, 2015

Atlantic Highlands - Staged for Atlantic City

Hook Mountain - our anchorage last night
For a change the anchorage at Hook Mountain was calm throughout the night. The anchorage is rather quirky. With the least bit of wind out of the east, it gets rolly but last night was okay. We only had 45 miles to go so we were in no hurry and finally got off the anchor by 8:15.

So you thought cancelling the Keystone Pipeline would keep shale oil in Canada - Wrong!
We passed under the construction for the new Tappen Zee bridge, lots of cranes and proceeded onward. New York harbor as full of traffic as usual. This is where AIS is a big help. I could see crossing traffic on the chartplotter (with AIS) before I could spot the ship. With a projected line from the ship ending in where the ship would be in 10 minutes if it maintained present speed and my own projected line in 10 minutes also on the chartplotter - I could tell if there was any danger of a collision  by how the lines crossed. At one time I had three ships bearing down on me but with the AIS I could see a safe evasive manoeuvre - which I took. The tugs do not change direction, you are expected to avoid them.

Always a pretty sight but rather smoggy today - not much wind
In due time we reached Atlantic Highlands and we dropped anchor among six other boats. As luck would have it, Hoolie was due for shore at low tide and in the first spot we had to wade ashore about 50 ft. On the second trip I went further west and found deep water up to shore. Hoolie was much happier.

The big event on Saturday is the trip down the coast. All the forecasts say it will be a calm passage with little wave action but they've been wrong before - I hope they are right this time.

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