Cruising Tips

Friday, April 10, 2015

Titusville - at a dock

Where was that terrible noise coming from - a band concert a mile away, $20 to get in (people pay for that??)
Today was a 65 mile day and we had a bridge to reach before it closed at 3:30 for 1.5 hours during rush hour. For once the tide was with us and we made the bridge with time to spare. Against all sailing lore, we even had a following wind along with the following current! Did I mention it was also a beautiful day.

We are still in Florida - still have lots of flowers
However, there's a front coming down from the north (where else, the source of cold weather) that's predicted to stall right over Florida for about a week. So the forecast for the next seven days is for thunderstorms. We may very well be holed up here for the next week. We would rather be moving up the ICW but you can't fight the weather.

We will have a rental car Saturday and Sunday taking advantage of Enterprise's weekend rate it will cost us a total of $24 with all taxes. It's time to provision for the rest of the trip. We also have a diver coming by Saturday afternoon to make sure the bottom is in top shape for maximum speed. I should have done that in Key West, live and learn.

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