Cruising Tips

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Charleston Maritime Center - last day

38 kt winds jostled us around a bit
We stayed over an extra day due to the storms predicted. The front came through around 1:00 with winds that peaked at 38 kts! This harbor is not known for good protection and we bounced around quite a bit. We rode it out and then I went to the hardware store for supplies with Ann on the boat. Unknown to me at the time, a series of waves came through the harbor that had our boat swinging like a pendulum, our mast coming close to the sailboat right next to us. Ann tried to call me on the cellphone but for some reason the volume was turned way down so I didn't hear the call (note to self - check the ring volume!)

A nice Hinckley Jet boat shared the marina, 3/4 of a million dollars
Even with all the wind and wave action, we turned out to be okay at the dock. I picked up 20 lbs of ice and a few odds and ends at the market and we're all set to leave for Georgetown at 8:00 am on Monday. the section of the ICW ahead of us is one of the shallowest in the cruise but we think we know the way through the shallows - unless they've moved since the fall - which is always possible. So we'll be on pins and needles as we proceed north in the morning. At least we have a rising tide but we'll hit the shallowest sections early, at almost low tide.

We plan on being in Georgetown only one day before heading north to Barefoot Landing where we wanted to spend only two days but that may turn into four if the predicted bad weather comes to pass.

1 comment:

  1. Bob
    Thanks for the info heading north from Charleston, we plan to transit that bit tomorrow. With our six ft draft a challenge on a good day.
    As far as the Hinkley mentioned beautiful boat with an operator who doesn't use care and courtesy.
    We have heard several calls and a security call this week complaining about excessive wake and disregard for the well being of other boats. We have experienced first hand being used as a pilon with several other boats as the Hinckley wove through us put into up 6_8 ft wake. All calls by boats along the way (to any to count)for the next several hours where ignored.
    When approached later that day at the dock by one of the captians the concerns where dismissed with turn into the waves and this conversation is. Over.
    Don't know who the captain. Is but the operating process. Could use some review.
