Cruising Tips

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Caesar's Creek Anchorage - at anchor

The eclipse had just started, not much yet - at Marathon Harbor
Today started early at 5:45 am. I got up and took Hoolie ashore in the dark and then noticed the moon in the start of an eclipse. The anchorage was completely still and the moon was setting in the west. It was still high enough in the sky to see the start of the eclipse so I took pictures but it set before it progressed to a "blood moon".

The moom, partially through the eclipse
We had an excellent forecast for light winds out of the east and very little wave action. The forecast even met reality today, a rarity. So we headed northeast for 75 miles and we're now at anchor in Caesar's Creek. We came in at low tide and skidded across the ocean side entrance with our 4' 9" keel. Luckily, it has a flat bottom so it just slid across the shallows until we reached deeper water in the inlet.

At anchor in Caesar's Creek
After that bit of excitement, we had to anchor three times before we were satisfied with our location - not too far out into the channel. We plan on heading out around 7:30 am on Sunday and go all the way to Ft Lauderdale, we hope. The forecast shows a window for tomorrow but then the weather closes in and there's no window until later in the week. Once in Ft Lauderdale, we're in the ICW until we reach the Chesapeake.

1 comment:

  1. Alert! Alert! The fuzzy bill are here!!!

