Cruising Tips

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Key West - Larry visit to showoff the Mahi-Mahi and give us two tile fish

Dolphin fish - aka Mahi-Mahi

It's nice to have friends that fish. I'm not a fisherman myself but I do like to eat fish, especially fresh fish. The tile fish of the Keys is a thick, white fish that can be prepared a variety of ways, always delicious. Larry came by today to show the dolphin (Mahi-Mari) that he caught this afternoon and to give us fillets from two tile fish he also caught. Unfortunately, he won't be around next year since he plans to spend that winter in San Diego. Perhaps we'll meet up again the following year. We do like the fish he shares with us!

I did some more investigation on my fuel leak. It appears to be at the fuel distribution block and at the seal at the bottom. One suggestion I received was to loosen the four flange nuts and then retighten them. Perhaps that would be enough to stop the leak. I'll try that Monday.

Always large crowds at Mallory Square at sunset time
Meanwhile, Hoolie and I went over to Mallory Square again tonight but the sunset never reached the horizon, too many low clouds. Still, there were bunches and bunches of people milling about as always. Mallory Square is a popular place at sunset. We're still watching the weather, the best day is flipping between Thursday and Friday now, it's like flipping a coin, it changes with every forecast.

Our Mallory Square sunset for the night

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