Cruising Tips

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Key West - To the beach!

What better way to spend February 12?
Sarah's  Blog

Today we started with a walk and saw mostly stuff we know and I was a sleepy head this morning. Then I did my work  and we headed for the beach, the water was cold, but you got used to it. We built sand forts, sand castles, and sand cakes. We also went  on the rocks and I saw fish. It was a lot of fun because we raced across the rocks. We even saw a pelican on the rock and we named it Steve. It was so close that I could of pet it. It was a brown pelican too. We met a girl and spent the whole day with her too. We played Marco Polo and I won a lot and they did too. We also made a shop to buy food and I was the chef and we made a table. I had to make a wall to block my kitchen from water. We did that because all the food was sand so if it got wet it would be more like a smoothie. Then  we left and went back to the boat to take showers. Were having pizza tonight that is very yummy. Well bye off to wait for the pizza bye.

With no wind (for a change) and full sun it was a perfect beach day even though the high was only predicted to be 71. So we headed off around noon and spent the day by the waters of Hawk Channel at Ft Zachary Taylor beach. It's one of our favorite places since it has a protective arm of breaker rocks that keep out the waves. The kids can play in the shadow of the breakwater in safety and if they want more wave action, they can move further west. 

Rather be here than at home in New York!
The kids never seem to tire of playing in the water and in building in the sand. I did access our webcams at our house in Lagrangeville, NY and saw that our driveway was once again covered with snow and require plowing out yet another time (4 times so far!!). It's depressing in a way to see all the snow at home and yet not depressing to find ourselves not there! I'll take Key West in the wintertime!

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