Cruising Tips

Monday, February 2, 2015

Key West - Summertime

From the Wyland gallery - these go for thousands of dollars
Sarah's  Blog

Today we went on a walk and saw a lot of chickens around. Then we came back and started school work I did math, pronoun, and reading. Then I had lunch and got a box today in the mail for me! I got candy, glow sticks, stickers, movie, letters, and clay, which was a fun surprise. We didn't do much today but were going to on Tuesday to get ready for my cousins to come aboard the ship. It is the first time they have been in Key West. So am excited to show them around. Then we went on a walk with Hoolie and Nana and I saw a lot of fish in the water. All different kinds of fish there were ones that looked like bumble bees, there were ones with turquoise and orange on then that I thought were so beautiful. I named two only two because they were the first ones I saw and they was so many so their names are Turquoise and Peach. I know not very creative but they seem to fit them. For short for Turquoise, Tory. Were having chicken pot pie again yum! Well bye got to go counting down the seconds till my cousins are here bye.oiHbb

Another example 
The warm up continues and today we even had to put on the air conditioning! One of our infrequent mail drops arrived today so much time was spent catching up with bills, it's that exciting? We remind people that we are not really on a 9 month vacation, we just have a traveling house that still needs attention as if we were home. Still, I'm not complaining, how could I? Where better place to be in the winter than Key West?

Moon rising over Key West - just a great night
The water is clearer than what I remember in the past, even in the harbor. You can always see the bottom and today we saw a dozen parrot fish, the first time we've seen so many in the harbor. Despite the increase in population and tourists, the waters do seem to be getting better. Carrie and family arrive Tuesday evening from Pennsylvania - what a shock to the system in temperature but I think they will endure it well. 

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