Cruising Tips

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Key West - A grand sail

The welcome sign by the Cuban Coffee Queen
Sarah's Blog

Today we had donuts for breakfast! I love donuts, we have them every Sunday. Then we got ready to sail. Today was the perfect day for sailing and we had to get every thing that could fall down. It was good that we did because we were so sideways then the doors opened and it was hard to go to the bathroom. It was not as crazy wavy as it was with my cousins. We anchored  oiHbbthen had Cuban Queen sandwiches which was pork, and ham &cheese. It was so good, then I had a donut for dessert. Then we went to sail again  and I steered the boat too, for a good ways. Then we came back and went to Mallory Square. There were a lot of people there like always. My mom sat to save a spot for the sunset and take a rest. We  saw a guy who was singing and playing a instrument. You probably would just walk by. But he had a dog that if you hand out a dollar by the dog, it would take the money and put it in the bucket when  the owner was singing. He probably got 10 dollars a minute, and the dog had pants on too! I thought that was really cool and want to teach my dog that too. Then I took some shots of the sunset and then we went back to the boat. When we came back Nana had a yummy dinner waiting for us. Then I had a cookie bye.

I had picked Sunday as the best day for a sail with the predicted winds of 10 to 15 kts and calm seas. The high for the day was only 70 but with the full sun out the cockpit was very warm. Leaving the dock we once again had to carefully count lines and remember to untie the dinghy which was locked to the boat for security. Eight lines plus three utility lines later, we were free. Ann backed out while we unlooped the aft lines form the two pilings. The two lines on either side were key to stopping us upon our return so we wouldn't bang into the dock with our anchor. 

Mallory Square is still the place to be for sunsets
Out into the channel we headed for our usual anchorage behind Sunset Key with sandwiches from Cuban Coffee Queen. Off again we headed for the barrier reefs but turned back before reaching the deep blue waters of the gulf stream. One could not have scripted a better day for sailing. No one got seasick for one thing. After a successful landing, Philip and Monique and the kids went to Mallory Square to watch the sunset. 

On Monday we'll do one last visit to the beach at Ft Zachary Taylor, an all day event which the kids enjoy no end. With a predicted high of 74, it ought to be great. 

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