Cruising Tips

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Stuart - We do Bridge and Dinner with Bill and Sharman Fitchett

Sarah, hard a work - no snow days down here!
Sarah was not able to do her nightly blog tonight. We were over at Bill and Sharman Fitchett's condo all afternoon playing bridge followed by eating out. We didn't get back to the boat until 9:00, too late for Sarah's blog. She'll resume her blog Friday night. However, she didn't miss a beat in her studies. She has very good habits in applying herself to her school work.

62 F may sound warm to northerners - but with a 15 kt wind, it can be cool
As I mentioned, we had our once per year bridge tournament with the Fitchetts. We rotate bridge partners, a practice that keeps harmony between spouses. It was great fun and we need to keep our annual tournament going. It has turned quite cold here with a 15 to 20 kt wind with a 62 F temp. Unfortunately, the restaurant we ate at only had outside seating available for our use and with the wind blowing, we all wore coats for dinner. The food was excellent (ahi tuna, rare) but windy. 

It was all great fun but now it's time to move on. We'll head south again Friday and aim for the Hobe Sound anchorage that night before continuing on to Mastri's area on Saturday. 

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