Cruising Tips

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Loggerhead Marina near Hypoluxo

We were buzzed at Jupiter Island, home of millionaires
Sarah's Blog:

Today I had breakfast then we hit the road early because we had to go through 12 bridges that have to open! So we have to wait and see when they open it and wait for it. I worked on some poetry and then read a bunch of my book called Anne Frank, very interesting. Then captain Joe picked us up  and we went to a pizza party. We met two of his friends and they were nice and we had my favorite pizza Papa Johns. I had three pieces of pizza and some ice tea. Then we left and went back to the boat and were settling in for bed soon bye off to more fun.oiHbb

One of 12, some slow to open, some quick - this one was very slow
We are finally entering a period of warm weather with temperatures in the high 70's, at last. Today was the first of two days of bridges with 12 today and 15 on Monday. For the most part they are spaced so they can be made without waiting but not today. You will occasionally meet the bridge operator who will demand that you be exactly at the bridge exactly at the appointed time. Nevermind that it always takes three minutes to run through the opening sequence (lower gates, sound alarm, raise the bridge). We ran into one such operator today, what a pain. However, we made the rest of the bridges on time but had to run at 8 kts for one stretch to barely make it. 

Nice place here at Loggerhead Marina - Condos are part of the layout
We had intend staying at Palm Beach Yacht Center but found that they were full when we called so we bounced off to Loggerhead Marina, a few miles north. We called Joe Mastri and he picked us up for a pizza party at his condo and catching up on things PYC and local news. We'll be here for another day to provision with Joe's help and then head to Ft Lauderdale on Monday.

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