Cruising Tips

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Caesar's Creek - at anchor by the Ranger station

Sarah found herself a coconut
Sarah's Blog

This morning we had yummy pancakes with bacon too. Then we took off to Caesar's Creek and started about 10:30 and went. There were huge waves which I thought were super fun to go up and down on. I played with my Lego's and read some Calvin and Hobbes. I didn't have to work today because my mom said I could get a day off which was great. Then we came in and the current was strong but we were able to anchor. Then we went in to the dink and when we clipped off we started drifting away then the motor started and we went to a tiny dock. Then we went into the this little park you can only get to by boat and it was cool. We followed a path and it was a nice big area with trees. Some were palm trees and I checked for coconuts we found one but it wasn't good. Then I found a big old palm tree branch and pitted it up. It was very heavy too, then I ran to palm trees to see if they had coconuts. then I found my coconut! It had milk in it too, and we brought it back to the boat. Then we went back to the boat and shake my coconut to make sure it still had its milk in it. We're going to have sweet and sour chicken tonight for dinner. Well bye going to shake my coconut some more bye.

Looking at the radar this morning I saw displayed a rather dangerous storm approaching with lightning and lots of red, not good. However, as we continued to watch the radar (every few minutes...) the storm gradually dissipated, to my surprise. With that we hauled anchor at 10:00 and started out. We had to time our approach to Caesar's Creek so we hit the entrance at exactly high tide. It's very shallow so we needed all the help we could get. With a 1.6 ft high tide we saw 5.8 ft over the bar, enough for our 4' 9" draft. 

There's a ranger station with a dock that's great for taking Hoolie ashore - and they have exhibits all around
Caesar's Creek is very well protected from the high winds (we saw 36 kts peak gust today) but we kept to Biscayne Bay and didn't have a problem. In the creek, the current is very strong with a peak of 2.2 kts! The boat is looking like it's making good headway while at anchor. With three of us in the dinghy, I had to go full throttle to make progress to the Ranger Station boat dock against the current. 

Sunday will be a 70 mile day, about 10 hours to make the trip to Marathon. It's predicted to be a good run with winds on the aft quarter (as long as they don't change the forecast!) and we should get in around 6:00 pm. We'll sit there for a couple of days due to more foul weather but we see a window approaching on Wednesday which we'll use to make our 1/28 arrival date. 

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