Cruising Tips

Monday, November 17, 2014

Titusville - storms arrive

Not too pretty but this is all we saw today
We've been hearing all week about the incursion of Arctic air, a redo of the "Polar Vortex" of last year, at least that's the story. So we watched the front approach on weather radar, took Hoolie out before it arrived and buttoned down the hatches for the onslaught. As it turned out, there were severe thunderstorm warnings to the north of us, severe warning to the south of us but we never got them. We got plenty of rain but not the severe wind and hail. Still, there was not much to do but wait for it to come.

On Tuesday the high here is only predicted to be 57, very cold for this time of the year in Florida. We'll do our last day of boat work to get ready for the trip north and then pick up the car on Wednesday at 10:00 am. we saw on our video cams at home in Lagrangeville that we had snow on the ground, the first of the year, kinda of early I think, not looking forward to that! 

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for news on the repair status on my radar display. It's been a week since they've received the unit and when I finally got a call back today, they said it would be another two weeks at least before I got an estimate. That's not very good service, I expected better of Raymarine. The display is 10 years old and I may just get an entirely new unit instead of paying for a repair if it's too much.

It's time to start closing up the boat for a two month hiatus, lots of details to take care of, most important - do not turn off the refrigerator - like last time! ( by mistake) 

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