Cruising Tips

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Titusville - recuperation

The marina is protected by a spit of land so it's pretty calm in here
It's been a day of recuperation for damage done yesterday due my moment's inattention to where I put my feet. So I mostly sat around today to aid in the healing process. The marina here is full of people that come and leave their boats for a return up north for the holidays. The marina staff does look after them and will adjust lines if they stretch too much. It's great peace of mind while we're 1200 miles away.

Everywhere there are palm trees, the marina area is nicely kept
The rains have stopped and the sun came out although it was a rather cool 72 today with a north wind. With the clear weather, at least Hoolie had a chance for a good run in the dog park with about a dozen other dogs - it was dog heaven. Meanwhile, we did laundry and that's about all we did. The manatees are all around us but they haven't showed themselves yet. We can see their wakes but no surfacing yet. At least we're free of alligators so far.

We have another week here before heading north, just relaxing.   

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