Cruising Tips

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Titusville - a good marina

Not many marinas have secure access to the docks, Titusville does
What makes a good marina for someone traveling down the ICW? Well, there are several requirements that are essential, one is good protection from weather. One of the reasons we duck into a marina at times is to avoid a cold front barreling down from the north. So in the fall you want something between you and open, northern waters. Secondly, you want good laundry facilities with enough washers and dryers so you don't have to fight over them with other cruisers. Thirdly, reasonable rates play a large roll, usually $1.00 to $1.50/ft at most. It helps if the staff is friendly and know what they're doing when they handle your lines while docking. Lastly, close access to shore necessities like groceries and marine supplies are important.

So how do you find out about all this stuff? Mostly by reading Active Captain reviews. In addition to the listing of facilities, you will also get a first hand impression from recent users of the marina, invaluable. By now we have our favorites and we are usually recognized by our boat name ("Oh, you were here last year!").

And, it's a short walk to the dog park! Hoolie thinks that very important!
At our present marina, Titusville Municipal Marina, all of the requirements are met. Good north protection, $1.44/ft daily dockage or a $10/ft monthly rate, groceries are nearby with free transportation, $1/load laundry and knowledgeable dockhands. We feel good about leaving our boat here until the first week in January.

It rained off and on all day today so we provisioned at Walmart and Publix, nothing special, just odds and ends. I sent my radar display unit off to Raymarine but they couldn't find it at their factory on Friday. Hopefully it's not lost! I'll call again on Monday. Strangely, it does get foggy down here occasionally. 

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