Cruising Tips

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ft Matanzas - at anchor

Bridge leaving Harbortown - Current runs through here at 6 kts!!
We had intended making Marineland but since we would not have reached there until close to 3:00, we decided to just stay at Ft Matanzas which is only 3 miles from Marineland. Best of all, Ft Matanzas is free if you anchor. It's also at an inlet and the current runs to 2 kts! However, we had good ground tackle so it's no problem. Being at an inlet, it's salt water so there's no fear of alligators, they are fresh water only animals. Now, crocodiles can tolerate salt water but there are very few in Florida. In all the time we've come here, we've only seen one and he was near a marina far to the south.

Ft Matanzas - to protect St Augustine 
Ft Matanzas is one of our favorite anchorages. It's seldom crowded (there's only one other boat here tonight) and the holding is good. The view of the fort is always interesting in any light and if the spirit moves you, it's a short dinghy ride to the ranger station for a free tour of the fort or a nature walk nearby.

The other attraction for us is easy Hoolie relief at the nearby sandy beach (sandy so there's no mud). So with temps in the 80's, we are settled in for the night and we'll explore Marineland Tuesday. We still plan on reaching Titusville by the 31st.

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