Cruising Tips

Monday, September 29, 2014

Hampton Public Piers Marina - at their dock

Ann took this photo, she likes the reflections - sailboats rule!
After almost three weeks of neglect, it was time to pay the piper and clean the boat and do laundry. That took most of the day but now we look presentable at least. Gordon, one of the members of the Beneteau 423 forum I run, was kind enough to loan us a car for our stay at Hampton and we'll use it for provisioning for the rest of the trip and run other errands as needed. It is so convenient to have access to wheels when at a marina!

The weather here will be in the 70's all week, not hard to take. We're taking advantage of it to rest and prepare for the ICW south. At last we are out of the Chesapeake and into waters where we don't care so much for whether there's high winds or not. We'll be concerned about rain but that's all.

The Taphouse - a local tradition
We plan on leaving Thursday morning for the Welcome station on the dismal canal, hopefully the depths will be improved over what we've seen the last few years where we've bumped with regularity. We'll see.

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